Brothers and Sisters,
IAFF Local 1784 continues to offer its members options for dental, vision, and life insurance. As of January 1, 2024, our dental/vision insurance is through Cigna Insurance Company. We are adding an HMO plan to the options for dental insurance. To see the difference between a PPO plan and an HMO plan, click here to visit Cigna's website.
Our group life insurance and voluntary life insurance is with The Hartford Company.
Active Members
Group/Basic Life - $10,000 life insurance policy free of charge as a part of your membership
Voluntary Life Insurance for purchase for active members: $20,000 or $50,000
Voluntary Life Insurance for purchase for active member spouses: $10,000 or $25,000
Voluntary Life Insurance for purchase for children (up to age 26): $10,000
Dental/Vision Insurance Plan for purchase: Single, Single + One, Family Coverage
Retiree Members
Group/Basic Life - $10,000 life insurance policy free of charge as a part of your membership (regardless of age of the retiree)
Dental/Vision Insurance Plan for purchase: Single, Single + One, Family Coverage
What if I’m not making any changes to my current coverage(s)? There is nothing for you to do. Everything will roll over to next year.
What coverage(s) do I have through the Union? Click HERE to access the Employee Navigator Website. To create an account, use the Company Idenitifier of MFFA1
RETIREE Dental/Vision Enrollment packet
Dental/Vision Insurance Enrollment Form
Cigna Website
2024 Comparison Between the Union's Dental/Vision and the City's Dental/Vision
Cigna Dental Plan Summary
Cigna Vision Plan Summary
Life Insurance Beneficiary Form