Phone: 901-386-3129
Memphis Fire Fighters Association
Memphis Citizens Pass Historic Sales Tax Increase
Updated On: Dec 20, 2019

Memphis citizens voted on October 3rd to pass a one half percent sales tax increase to fund retirement and health insurance benefits for firefighters and police officers.  This culminates a year and a half campaign by the Memphis Fire Fighters Association and the Memphis Police Association.  

Firefighters and Police Officers went out to the communities across Memphis and gathered signatures from 140,000 citizens to put this item on the ballot after the City Council refused to do so.  Spending their own time and money, it was a priority of our respective memberships and we never faltered in our goal!

We are very appreciative of the voters passing this measure which will be used to fund helath insurance for retired firefighters and police under the age of 65.  This will also fund pension retirements for firefighters and police officers hired before July 1, 2019.  Lastly, it will allow working spouses of firefighters and police officers to come back into the city's health insurance plan.

Any funds left over from year to year can be used to fund street paving and/or pre-K education, which will be at the discretion of the City Council.

Channel 3 Story:

Channel 5 Story:

Channel 13 Story:

Commercial Appeal Story:

Daily Memphian Story:

Contact Info
Memphis Fire Fighters Association
5150 Stage Road, Suite #103
Memphis , TN 38134

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