Phone: 901-386-3129
Memphis Fire Fighters Association

You Must Login To Access This Area.
Please Login or Signup Below:

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New User Registration!


1. Only active and retired members of the Memphis Fire Fighters Association will be granted "behind the wall access."  if you're not a member of the MFFA, please don't apply.
2. Fill in the boxes that are marked required.
3. List your current assignment or if you are retired.

4. DO NOT use a city email address. Your application WILL be denied.
5. Make sure "" is added to your approved email addresses so email from the website  won't get kicked into your SPAM folder.
6. Registrations will be approved within 24 hours. (Usually sooner)
7.  Don't use dashes on phone numbers.  Please select whether you want text message alerts and choose your cell phone provider.
8. Contact the Secretary/Treasurer if you have questions.
First Name: *
Last Name: *
City: *
Postal Code: *
County: *
Phone: *

Cell Phone: *

Format (no spaces or dashes): xxxxxxxxxx
Select Your Cell Phone Provider:

Send Me Text Message Alerts:
E-Mail Address: *
Do not use the following email domains:

Allow other members to view my email address
Confirm E-Mail Address: *

Fire Department Assignment: *
City Employee ID Number: *
Trade :
Choose Username: *

(DO NOT use spaces)
Choose Password: *
Password Strength:

Strong passwords contain 3 of the following items and at least 6 characters:

- Uppercase Letters
- Lowercase Letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
Click the Preview button below to review the registration information on the next page.

* Required Fields
Contact Info
Memphis Fire Fighters Association
5150 Stage Road, Suite #103
Memphis , TN 38134

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